Numberto has new features!
In previous post I wrote about simple clojure library numberto for experiments with numbers.
New version of numberto has a bunch of new features.
Expressions package provides two functions: eval-infix
to evaluate infix expression
and infix->prefix
to build prefix lisp-style expression from mathematical notation.
Let’s give it alias for simplicity
(def e eval-infix)
Evaluate simple math expression
(e "1+2") => 3
or more complex
(e "1+2*(3-4/2)") => 3
handle priorities
(e "2+2*2") => 6
and left/right associativity
(e "1024/2/2/2/2") => 64
(e "2^3^4") => 2417851639229258349412352N
Oh, what’s this? Long numbers? Sure, ratios and floats supported as well
(e "1/3") => 1/3
(e "1.1/0.9") => 1.2222222222222223
Unary operations
(e "(-1)^100") => 1
functions and symbols
(e "sin(e) + sqrt(pi)") => 2.183235141408425
vararg functions
(e "sum(1,2,3,sum())/max(1,2)") => 3
You can also provide bindings for unknown functions and symbols
(e "factorial(n)/20"
{"factorial" #(reduce *' (range 1 (inc %)))
"n" 10}})
=> 181440
Worth to mention that you can easily redefine existing
or define your own new unary, binary operations, functions
and symbols. Just add additional properties to eval-infix
;; return current time in millis
(e "now()" {:bindings {"now" #(.getTime (java.util.Date.))}}) => some long number
;; override priorities
(e "1+2*3" {:binary-ops {"+" {:function + :priority 100}}}) => 9
has exactly the same functionality, but it builds prefix expression instead.
(infix->prefix "(1+2)*3-(4/avg(3,5)-sum(1))")
"(- (* (+ 1 2) 3) (- (/ 4 (avg 3 5)) (sum 1)))"
It can be useful if you googled some formula but bored to translate it manually to clojure.
For example, take the Simpson’s rule
(infix->prefix "(b-a)/6*(f(a)+4*f((a+b)/2)+f(b))")
"(* (/ (- b a) 6) (+ (+ (f a) (* 4 (f (/ (+ a b) 2)))) (f b)))"
Would be good to try instaparse for such purpose, but I decided to use custom implementation using standard Shunting-yard algorithm. Just couple of hacks added to handle unaries and vararg functions. Code is awful. If you really want to dig in - run debug mode.
(binding [*DEBUG* true]
(e "1+2"))
No way to define non-prefix unary operation, like “10!” or “ | 10 | ” |
(* (* 1 2) 3)
instead of (* 1 2 3)
(e "1+")
, some not (e "1+()1)
. I still working on this, but it is not critical.Here is the puzzle:
You have four numbers [3, 4, 5, 6].
You have four binary operations [+, -, *, /] and parentheses ()How to insert operations between numbers to get number 42?
Hah, that simple 3*4 + 5*6 = 42
Ok, get 42
, but you forced to use one division /
Not so obvious?
(solve-insert-ops-num [3 4 5 6] 42) =>
([42N "3+45-6"] [42N "3/4*56"] [42N "3*4+5*6"])
If you use solve-insert-ops
function it gives all possible values can be obtained by inserting operations between numbers.
(solve-insert-ops [3 4 5 6]) => ;; long list
Default implementation uses 4 basic operations, no parens and no restrictions. Instead, you can override options
to use parens, specify level
(solve-insert-ops-num [3 4 5 6] 42 {:parens 1}) =>
([42N "3+45-6"] [42N "(3+45)-6"] [42N "3+(45-6)"]
[42N "3/4*56"] [42N "(3/4)*56"] [42N "3/(4/56)"]
[42N "3*4+5*6"] [42N "(3*4)+5*6"] [42N "3*4+(5*6)"])
limit some operations
(solve-insert-ops-num [3 4 5 6] 42 {:rules [[:max "*" 1]]}) =>
([42N "3+45-6"] [42N "3/4*56"])
, :min
, :max-in-a-row
, :min-in-a-row
options are supported.
Add new operations (supported by expressions package)
(solve-insert-ops-num [3 4 5 6] 80
{:ops ["+" "-" "*" "/" "^"]
:rules [[:max "^" 1]]}) =>
([80N "3^4+5-6"])
Keep in mind, always limit time consuming operations (like ^
) as it builds all possible permutations and you can wait your answer forever.
There are also couple of new interesting things, like
getting digits of pi
, e
, sqrt(n)
, ratio numbers up to desired level and other. Check it out